Editor — I am writing to you as a student of Laney College. I would like to bring your attention to the amount of trash and graffiti on Laney Campus. As a student pursuing my educational goals I look forward to class but am discouraged by the amount of garbage littering our campus. Every time I enter a woman’s restroom it is a mess, toilet paper and paper towels on the floor as well as graffiti written in every stall. Also as a former student of Merritt College I have to say that the facilities at Laney College are somewhat disappointing. I do understand that It is also the students responsibility to clean up after themselves; clearly they don’t take this responsibility very seriously. I’m wondering if there is something we can do about it together. Perhaps a student cleaning committee ? Or more routine trash pick up during the week? Maybe a littering fine? It would be unfortunate to take it to such extremes but sometimes it is necessary.
Yzeppa MaciasJournalism
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