Editor — As a senior citizen taking classes at Laney, college is exciting. But the women’s restrooms all over campus are deplorable. Some restrooms have no lights. I walk in and walk right back out.The floors are wet from people flicking water off their hands to dry them. No towels to dry your hands, or they use toilet paper. When you need the toilet paper, there is none. So you ask your “stall mate” to pass some under the partition. Seat covers: that’s another issue. I realize there is a budget crisis. I visit the same bathrooms on Monday morning. The floors are still dirty, so I turn around and walk back out. I guess we should all become stationary engineers and start reporting these problems. I realize classes are being held Monday through Sunday. Perhaps, one weekend, close restrooms in the A, B, and C buildings; or, clean the Tower Building and the Library during class hours.Since it would be impossible to close them down, place signs letting students know certain restrooms would be off limits, redirecting them to other functioning restrooms on campus.
Mavis McGrawSpanish
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