Editor — Laney President Elnora Webb’s email (to faculty and staff) suggests that Project Truth is coming back next academic year. In 1978, the ACLU also invoked the First Amendment right to free speech and assembly when a neo-Nazi group planned to march through Skokie, a Chicago suburb where many Holocaust survivors lived. Although the ACLU prevailed in defense of the Nazis, many ACLU members resigned and the Nazis cancelled their march. Hopefully, the project won’t return, wishing a bigger headline. Congratulations to KR Nava and vocal students. There is nothing worse than apathy.While women’s health is threatened, people say nonsense like “Both parties are the same.” This is how Ralph Nader, instead of being remembered as a hero, was 2000’s third party spoiler, allowing the worst president in American history to be appointed.
Alison StappLaney tutor
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