The question is asked: Are we consuming enough nutrients? Every morning after we wake up we have a choice, to either fuel our bodies with fresh nutrients or empty chemicals. These choices affect not only our physical state but our mental state as well.Our bodies communicate with us in many different ways — lethargy, headaches, bad skin. These conditions aren’t random. Although there are dozens of multivitamins available, many health conditions can be cured with the right diet. By reducing our intake of processed foods and consuming more whole foods and water every day we are preserving our bodies, cleaning our internal organs and fighting off bacteria. Once we are fueling our bodies with the right foods our mental states are going to improve drastically.Life Coach Sacha Sterling is convinced of the importance of consuming organic foods and drinking enough water. “The quality of your water is really important. I drink at least 12 glasses of filtered water a day,” she said. Our bodies depend on water; water not only hydrates us but it carries nutrients to our cells, which means that we need water all day long to function properly, even when we’re not thirsty.When we don’t drink enough water our bodies become dehydrated and that can lead to many things, including low-energy levels, poor brain function and headaches. Every day our bodies lose water in different ways — we go to the bathroom, we sweat and even when we breathe. Water flushes out toxins through vital organs. When we don’t drink enough water our bodies retain more water, which contain more toxins resulting in viruses like colds and flus.
The first healthy habit you can start now is drinking a large glass of water first thing in the morning, which rejuvenates your insides and wakes up your body. If you want an extra kick, “squeeze some fresh lemon juice in your water,” Sterling says. Lemon is high in vitamin C and potassium, stimulating brain and nerve function and helping boost the immune system.Once our bodies are hydrated it’s time to focus on the right diet. When we fuel our bodies with empty calories and sugar we are providing temporary energy for our bodies to run on. “Sugar interferes with your mood and energy, and when our bodies crave sugar it is a sign that we need more protein,” Sterling says. When our bodies only run on unhealthy food we begin to break down: we can become overweight or develop heart problems leading to stress, anxiety and sometimes depression. Sterling was introduced to healthy living at the early age of 14 and now only eats organic. “It’s the only way to go,” she says. “GMO, antibiotics, proteins that have been fed on GMO — we are just consuming chemicals, really harmful things that have been banned in other countries but not in the U.S.”The simple choice to include more organic fruits and vegetables in our diet will lead to a longer and healthier life. Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants, refreshing our bodies and boosting our immune systems. Though it may be tempting to start your morning out with a bagel or pastry, the benefits of eating fruit first thing in the morning are amazing. When our bodies ingest fruit on an empty stomach it guarantees that we absorb all the nutrients available and that energy is being used for detoxification rather than digesting heavy foods.Sterling recommends “raw green juices or smoothies.” Keeping the fridge stocked with fresh whole foods will make it easier to reach for an apple rather than a bag of chips. One of Sterling’s favorites is “toasted avocado on sprouted whole grain bread.” Busy lifestyles can make it easy to neglect our health but what we may not realize is how much our bad eating habits are affecting our mental state.Developing healthy eating habits is easier and simpler than you think. Sterling’s strategy for keeping a healthy mental state is “8–10 hours of sleep a night, regular exercise, healthy food, positive attitude.” If you are often moody, stressed or have a hard time getting up in the morning you may not be getting enough sleep. Getting plenty of shut eye is an important part of staying healthy and happy. Diet and sleep have a huge impact on our overall well-being and it doesn’t take a magnifying glass to see when our diets aren’t beneficial. Symptoms don’t appear overnight but rather build up over time; some things you may not even notice or think they are normal. Dry skin and hair are big red flags saying “you aren’t drinking enough water!” Unexplained fatigue is a common symptom if your body is lacking nutrients such as iron. Even though moods change everyday, continual irritability is often a sign of poor diet or poor sleep patterns. When our mental state is suffering, emotional eating is not uncommon. “Struggling with food is directly related to body confidence and ultimately your level of success,” Sterling says. When children are cranky it is often because they didn’t eat or because they haven’t napped; and if that child was only fed doughnuts she is going to act out because she’s tired and hasn’t had the appropriate nutrients to function. The goal isn’t to cut out processed foods entirely but to be conscious about what we put into our bodies. Sterling’s motto is “everything in moderation — even moderation.” Many people experience a difference within the first month of changing their diets, whether it’s a brighter appearance or a brighter mood. Laney students the avenue to engage in free debate for the betterment of their persons.
Yzeppa Macias is a guest columnist. Email her at ymacias(at)
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