Community college is beneficial in many ways, but once you’re working on your lower division units, you start to analyze the lack of resources and support we should get from our administration.
Community College should be recognized as a smart decision, not a mistake, and administrators should offer unlimited amount of resources and guidance for their students.
We need to fight for that. We deserve the same opportunities as those who are attending a four year university.
Why is community college such a good idea? According to the College Board, “the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2015–2016 school year was $32,405 at private colleges, $9,410 for state residents at public colleges, and $23,893 for out-of-state residents attending public universities.” A public two-year college costs $3,347 in tuition and fees. They take the same lower division classes.
Most students who attend community college are commuting from home, so they don’t have to worry about spending on living expenses.
Why waste money when you would be getting the same education?
When students first graduate from high school, one of the biggest issues is that most young adults have no idea what they want to do with their lives.
According to the website, College Parents of America, the average college student has an 80% chance of changing their major once before graduating, with the highest average changing their major three times.
This is why most students who attend a 4-year institution have a higher risk of becoming unmotivated the first few years of attending college because they are unsure of what they want to dowith their lives.
This can affect academic and social life for an individual. You could avoid all this by attending a Community College, which allows you to explore your interests and gives you time to figureout your major.
Nangeli Alcantar is a staff writer at the Tower. E-mail her at nangeli.alcantar(at)