Keep Oakland Beautiful application deadline for grants on Sept. 6Apply for a small grant in the amount of $500 to $800 for any project that aims to clean and beautify Oakland parks, creeks, or streets; application available at
Alameda County Career EXPO features dozens of local employers with over 500 job openingsCheck in early, dress professionally, bring your best resume; Sept. 13 from 9:30 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. at 14600 Catalina St, San Leandro, free shuttle from San Leandro BART
Dr. Boyce Watkins lectures on the value of the Black Dollar at Laney CollegeLecture will be followed by a film screening of ‘Resurrecting Black Wall Street’ and preceded by a fair of local Black-owned businesses with food, music, and shopping; Sept. 10 at 4 p.m., buy tickets at
Transfer Admission Planner (TAP)/Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Workshop at Laney College Come to Room 201 in the Tower building on Sept. 13 from 12–1 p.m. for a TAP/TAG workshop for students planning on transferring to a UC
Oakland Museum of California ‘Altered State’ exhibit closes on Sept. 25 Sample cannabis scents, touch pot leaves, and learn about the history of the plant, drug, and medicine; read the Laney Tower’s review in our Sept. 15 issue