“The Kind of School that Stifles Students’ Free Speech?” in the March 2, 2017 issue of the Laney Tower is a serious matter. [Laney Tower faculty advisor Burt Dragin] was right to take the article down to make sure all of the facts about Dr. Anthony S. Tricoli were correct before reinstating the article’s position on the Laney Tower website. I believe Dr. Tricoli should have acknowledged his past mistakes, then written a letter to the Laney Tower suggesting that he is no longer that person, as well as explain to students, staff, and faculty who he is now. He could have added a little about how he plans to make the Laney campus a better environment. However, what he actually did was attempt to suppress the Tower’s right to free speech. Perhaps he should just be a politician.
Yao Ching Y. SaeteurnUndeclared