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Peralta Community College District's Only Student-Run Publication
Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Eliot Faine

Eliot Faine, Associate Editor

In their time at Peralta, Eliot has studied fine art, art history, psychology, sociology, humanities, and cultural anthropology. Based in the East Bay, rooted in a working class background, Eliot is inspired by both history and current events. With a background as a published creative writer, Eliot has shifted focus to use their strengths to hold the powerful accountable and uplift the voiceless. Outside the newsroom, Eliot can be found in the woods, the desert, on the beach, admiring wildlife, making music with their band, or behind a book, a stove top, or an easel. Eliot uses they, them, theirs or he, him, his pronouns, or anything said respectfully.

All content by Eliot Faine
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