Who loves options? Yes, everybody does. Having the option to get an education or working is often a struggle between students and young adults. Throughout the years people have been fighting for the rise of minimum wage. In order to live and succeed in the Bay Area it will cost you an arm and a leg, I have no doubt that people want higher wages. The increase of minimum wage will prevent students and young adults from getting an education, adding a narrow impact on the poverty line.
Students and young adults in the Bay Area who are given the option to work a minimum wage job rather than get an education are less motivated to do so. Having the option to earn money with minimal experience and demands seems more of a win, win situation. Not only does minimum wage prevent people from getting an education, however it decreases their chances of having security. Working at a job without the proper education will be temporary because it won’t get you very far.
Others think the increase of minimum wage will solve our issues of poverty, yet it only makes little or no impact at all. Poverty is a big issue that all states deal with, but solving it would take more than just raising the minimum wage. According to City Slicker Farms, “An average West Oakland household has three people and an income of only $21,124 per year. 32% of the 21,000 residents live below the poverty level.” The rise of minimum wage won’t help any of these people except a certain percent. The lowest people in our communities are not going to benefit to adding a couple of dollars towards living wages.
In retrospect, we all are just trying to take the punches and roll with them. Although, the increase in minimum wage won’t save us from a life of poverty. Living in the Bay Area has forced people to choose work over getting an education. Even if you’re applying for that minimum wage job, just keep in mind there are many factors behind that four digit number.
Jaria Roxas is a Tower Staff writer. Email her at apachecobeauty(at)yahoo.com.