Safety, student services, and campus conditions compromised at Laney College — and beyond
Over the years, the Laney Tower has regularly conducted a feature called “Tower Watch,” in which we brought to your attention something that needed fixing at Laney College.
Over time, we noticed that these problems persisted; repairs weren’t getting made, and Laney became more BROKEN.
No campus is perfect, but what does it say when one campus in a district — the campus in the most diverse and economically disadvantaged area in the district — is the most in need of repairs, fixes, and funding?
We expect our coverage of these problems to prompt action on behalf of the district. If you know of any problems at your school that we should investigate, please contact us at laneytower(at)peralta.edu or call us at (510) 464–3460.As of the printing of this issue, these and many other problems continue to plague Laney College, Merritt College, Berkeley City College, and College of Alameda.