All semester, in the Laney Campus cafeteria, patrons have experienced reduction of service more than half of the time at the regular lunch stations. As we near the end of the 2016 spring semester add a reduction in hours the cafeteria will be open.
Food service sales are reduced, the usual funding that would subsidize food service cost and budget cuts have reduced service as well.
Will the effects of less food production and also less sales contributed to the reduction in Fall 2016 cafeteria hours?
What other surprises can we expect for the rest of the Spring semester. Does this mean a bag lunch is in my future? Will this mean I will be in the long lines at the microwave during the lunch hour rush? Are the two microwaves for student use in the student center working? Will I be subjected to eating lunch from the street hot dog vendor, or worst to eat from campus vending machines?
Scott Strong, Food Service manager said effective immediately the cafeteria will “…close daily at 2:30, 2 hours earlier than usual. Also any staff that may experience reduction of hours, or possibly lay off would be eligible for work again when l more hours become available.”
When cafeteria workers were asked about this no one complained, yet. However, cafeteria patrons are once again left without options for a fresh nutritious meal, or cup of coffee after 2:30 now.
Lauri Bloom
Staff Writer
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