Just think about it: Donald “the hair” Trump becomes the POTUS.
Could the hatred both Democrats and Republicans feel for him bring the parties together?
Could Dems and Reps join together to stop Trump from doing a single thing the whole time he’s in office?
That kind of camaraderie could even inspire Reps and Dems to work together on other issues, like healthcare, human rights, social security, and war.
Imagine how glorious it would be to have a Congress that get things done on a regular basis!
You may say I’m a dreamer… and you might be right, but this is the only way I can accept that Trump might legitimately be our next president.
Imagining some kind of greater good coming from a President Trump is the only way I can even pretend to be okay with a commander and chief who would say things like, “If she can’t satisfy her husband, how can she satisfy America,” or “I have a great relationship with the blacks,” or “I’d like to punch him right in the face.”
The guy said mexican immigrants were rapists. On television. He sold steaks exclusively at The Sharper Image! Who does that!? Who would buy steaks from a novelty electronics stripmall store?
Crazy people like Donald Trump, that’s who.
I’m just saying, let’s not all move to Canada quite yet. It’s too cold there and I don’t know French.
Force the optimism to flow through you.
Also, get out there and vote in the primary on June 7th! If you don’t like the way things are, you’ve gotta use your voice!
If you aren’t registered, you don’t have much time left so get it done. You can register online easy-peezy.
Vote for the candidate you believe in, no matter what anybody tells you!
Unless that person is right, then maybe listen.
That’s up to you.
Kit Berry is a staff writer at the Tower. E-mail her at happy cowsmmmcheese(at)gmail.com.