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Peralta Community College District's Only Student-Run Publication
Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

(Graphic: Li Khan/The Citizen)

How $11.2 million in state funding led to a $6.2 million deficit for PCCD

A semester-long push and pull regarding cost-of-living raises culminated in budget cuts to address a $6.2 million deficit.
Sam O’Neil and Li Khan December 25, 2023
Faculty at the Peralta Community College District wanted to see the $11.2 million state Cost of Living Adjustment funds used towards employee cost-of-living raises, but district officials determined that granting cost-of-living raises of any amount would still require substantial cuts elsewhere in the budget.
(Graphic by Li Khan/The Citizen)

Peralta Board of Trustees Brief: Board elections, public comment, facilities updates, and budget cuts

Satch Alvarez, Staff Writer December 23, 2023
PCCD's governing board held its final regular meeting of the year on Dec. 12. The four hour meeting covered detailed updates to facilities projects and budget cuts, as well as the swearing in of a new student trustee and the election of a new board president.
District Academic Senate president Matthew Goldstein addressed the board with concerns about Peralta's participatory governance processes. (Source: Screenshot of Zoom meeting)

First reading of proposed budget raises serious concerns among ‘major stakeholders’ and trustees

PCCD Trustees set to vote on budget tonight
Lylah Schmedel-Permanna and Ivan Saravia September 26, 2023

Tonight, trustees at the Peralta Community College District (PCCD) will vote on the district’s 2023-24 budget, which does not have the support of the district’s Participatory Governance Council, the...

Mayoral candidates field questions

admin October 11, 2018

10 hopefuls offer views on hunger, OPD, rent control, education, and more By Robert Hinton Mayoral candidates gathered at Oakland City Hall on Oct. 5 to field questions from voters about issues important...

Budget cuts force free tutoring shutdown

admin April 21, 2016

HARD LESSONS: A MULTI-PART SERIES ON TUTORING PROGRAMS AT THE PERALTA COLLEGES In Part 2 of our continuing coverage, we look at the reasoning behind the shutdown of BCC’s free English tutoring program....

ASLC meeting hits boiling point

admin October 30, 2014

The ASLC got into “hot water” at its Sept. 18 meeting. The issue started to boil when Student Center cafeteria director Scott Strong asked the student government for $300 to purchase a hot water...

Budgets, stipends discussed for ASLC

admin November 7, 2013

Josefina Baltodano, the interim vice-president of student services, brought news of potential stipends for student volunteers, to the Associated Students of Laney College (ASLC) meeting Thursday, Oct....

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