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Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

A rendering of what a renovated Laney Theater could look like one day. The $29 million project is on hold until the state approves designs for a functional fire alarm system for the aging campus. (Source: BuildPERALTA website)

Big money is being spent to upgrade Peralta’s facilities. How’s it going?

Trustees get update to $945 million bond program
Li Khan, Editor in Chief July 29, 2024
Some projects to upgrade facilities are on standby while others have moved forward.
(Graphic: Li Khan, Desmond Meagley/The Citizen)

Peralta Board of Trustees Brief 2/13: city grant for childcare centers; BCC hires MESA director; Measure H endorsement

Facilities item tabled to January yet to appear on agenda
Ivan Saravia, Staff Writer February 27, 2024

The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) Board of Trustees held its second regular meeting of the year Jan. 13. Topics on the meeting’s agenda included new grant funding for childcare centers and...

(Graphic by Li Khan/The Citizen)

Peralta Board of Trustees Brief: Board elections, public comment, facilities updates, and budget cuts

Satch Alvarez, Staff Writer December 23, 2023
PCCD's governing board held its final regular meeting of the year on Dec. 12. The four hour meeting covered detailed updates to facilities projects and budget cuts, as well as the swearing in of a new student trustee and the election of a new board president.
(Graphic by Li Khan/The Citizen. Photo: Feng Yu/Shutterstock)

The Citizen Investigates: PCCD Vendor High Performance Learning Environments

The construction consulting firm has ties to two past controversies at school districts in Southern California surrounding allegations of bribery and fraud.
Lylah Schmedel-Permanna and Li Khan December 12, 2023
The board will vote tonight on two high-value contracts to a construction consulting firm that has ties to two past school district scandals that involved allegations of questionable bidding practices, bribery of public officials, and fraud.
(Photo by Li Khan/The Citizen)

Peralta Board of Trustees Brief: FabLabs, facilities, chancellor contract

Satch Alvarez, Sam O’Neil, and Ivan Saravia November 29, 2023
The Peralta Community College District’s regular meeting of the Board of Trustees included public comments in support of funding for the FabLabs, a presentation on facilities issues, and the approval of the next chancellor’s contract.
Former Vice Chancellor Sadiq Ikharo (center) answers questions about the Fire Watch at the Feb. 26 Board of Trustees meeting. His replacement Leigh Sata, was announced on March 26, just days after the fess of the fire watch at Laney reached $100,000

Ikharo placed on permanent leave

Decision underscores longstanding infrastructure deficit; Leigh Sata named interim VC
Saskia Hatvany, Co-Editor March 29, 2019

Exactly two weeks after Jowel C. Laguerre officially left his position as chancellor, the district announced on May 14 that the vice chancellor of general services, Sadiq Ikharo, had been put on permanent...

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