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Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

Peralta Community College District's only student-run publication.

The Citizen

SEIU 1021 members carry protest signs decrying planned layoffs among Peralta employees. The district recently announced its intent to cut 68 positions across several departments, 44 of which are currently filled.

Proposed layoffs condemned during public comment at 2/11 Peralta trustee meeting

District Chancellor Gilkerson called the reductions in force a “survival strategy.”
Rachel Venable, Staff Writer February 20, 2025
Peralta’s classified employee union protested a recent budget proposal during the public comment portion of the Feb. 11 Board of Trustees meeting. Armed with purple signs and heartfelt comments, a small crowd of classified employees filled the Peralta Community College District boardroom to oppose the elimination of 33 classified positions.
(Graphic by Li Khan/The Citizen)

Peralta Board of Trustees Brief: Board elections, public comment, facilities updates, and budget cuts

Satch Alvarez, Staff Writer December 23, 2023
PCCD's governing board held its final regular meeting of the year on Dec. 12. The four hour meeting covered detailed updates to facilities projects and budget cuts, as well as the swearing in of a new student trustee and the election of a new board president.
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