The announcement that American Pacific Asian Services (APASS) Director Tomoko Ha would be leaving the program as of Sept. 30 brought glowing attributes for the job she has done.
Ha has been the director of the APASS program for the last two years. The program is five years old and is currently applying for another grant.
Ha said she is grateful for the support of the faculty, administration and staff for help in the operation of the program. Ha has worked at Laney for approximately nine years, on and off. She got her start as an interim staff assistant to former Laney President Frank Chong.
She has also contributed to the community while working as an assistant for the East Bay Career Advancement Academy supporting Laney’s Career Technical Education (CTE) students. Between working for Laney as interim advisor to ASLC and during a three-year gap, she ran youth programs in Oakland, coordinating the Alameda County Teen Dating Violence Task Force.
“The APASS program is here to support students academically, build community and provide opportunity for Asian and Pacific Islander students to succeed,” said Ha. “I love the APASS program and I am proud of how the program operates.”
APASS provides community support for students in class while getting instruction in building relationships with instructor and other students of similar backgrounds.
APASS conducts workshops for students, provides ESL classes, and allows students to attend conferences such as the APAHE (Asians and Pacific Americans in Higher Education), and tour universities and state colleges.
“Thanks to the hard work of Tomoko and her efforts this year, 50 students from Laney attended the APAHE conference. Our college had the best turnout, due to her work,” comments Shawn Taylor, Interim Director, Gateway to College program.
France Javier, a nursing major, “Tomoko is there for the students even when you are stressed you, she there to help. Helping us with our finances and finding ways to purchase books. She is also very patience with us, she will be missed.” Lisa Cook, President of the Faculty Senate spoke for the faculty when she said: “It is great to have Tomoko as a part of the staff and it would not be the same without her.”
Ha will no longer be on campus, but her contribution to the success of the APASS program and the memories she will leave with the students continue on. The Laney community wishes Tomoko Ha success in her future endeavors. “The Laney campus is much better because of you, we are grateful for your responsiveness and engagement in student success,” said President Elñora Webb.
APASS Dir. Tomoko Ha leaves Laney staff
October 1, 2015
About the Contributor
In the fall of 2019, The Laney Tower rebranded as The Citizen and launched a new website. These stories were ported over from the old Laney Tower website, but byline metadata was lost in the port. However, many of these stories credit the authors in the text of the story. Some articles may also suffer from formatting issues. Future archival efforts may fix these issues.