Editor — While reading the Laney Tower, I found it really insightful as newspapers should have several great stories. But when reading any piece of literature even with those flashes of brilliance, you find things that are missing from the rest of the package.
It’s like when you’re a kid and you get up in the morning getting ready before school and you eat your favorite cereal. There’s a sign on the box saying there’s a free toy — inside, you are excited and open up the box and there’s no toy and you’re left disappointed.
Did you eat the cereal?
Yes, of course, but that little toy made it a little more enticing and even more exciting to look into want you wanted to see.
Reading the Laney Tower, I am disappointed by not seeing enough stories on African Americans. I would’ve like to have seen coverage of things such the Million Man March, which had its 20th anniversary. It would’ve been nice to see something as positive as thousands of black and Native American people coming together in a peaceful gathering covered in the paper.
Will Varner
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