Healthy Relationships Club founder C.C. Wynn finally finds a club she can count on: her own
C.C. Wynn found herself at Laney College trying to change her life. Between recovering from addictions and learning new subjects, Wynn had a tough time keeping her mind on her studies.
She looked to campus clubs that could help support her in this new environment — but she soon learned how to help herself, and take charge.
Cigarette smoking is a legal addiction, and quitting is nearly impossible.
The smoking addiction was something she would have to come to terms with by herself. She started looking to other clubs to help integrate her into campus life and to help support her while she was trying to quit.
Her first experience was not the positive one she had planned. C.C. looked to the Laney Students Mental Health Awareness Club for activities she could participate in. This was great for her — while that club had the leadership of its club president.
“The Mental Health Awareness Club always was in need of leadership,” Wynn said. “Very soon after I joined it, I was elected Vice President. This turned into a situation when the club President vanished from his position.” Suddenly, the club was left without leadership. As Vice President, the presidency was hers.
C.C. said she is still puzzled by how the club fell apart. “When it happened I could not find the support from club members,” she said. “They would disagree with all of my suggestions. Eventually the club dissolved.”
She felt prompted to seek refuge in the Tobaccoless Club. She had heard meetings would take place on Laney campus. This club, like other campus clubs, was supposed to hold regular meetings. But, C.C. had trouble figuring out when and where the meetings took place on campus.
“Before long the President of the Tobaccoless club suddenly left Laney College for Berkeley CC,” she said.
She found herself, once again, looking for a campus club to get involved in.
“My attempts to seek campus involvement have been exhausting,” she said. “There is a lot involved which may discourage a club founder from starting and maintaining a campus club.”
C.C. currently is involved with a new club she has started, The Healthy Relationships Club.
For the club’s first major event on May 10, she was successful in drawing out Laney’s Cosmetology department; Black Men Speak, a group of men who empower audiences with their speeches; and a Laney Health and Wellness coach.
The goal of the event was to solicit membership, to create healthy opportunities, and give students access to health providers. There was yoga, massages, and acupressure. Wynn considered the event was a success.
“We hope we build student interest as we explore new ways to maintain healthy relationships here on campus,” she said.
After all, for Wynn, the goal of the club is simply: “Staying alive!” Wynn also hopes the club will help “students take care of themselves using tools like yoga… and meditation skills that may provide the foundation for healthy relationships.”
And what exactly, for Wynn makes a healthy relationship?
“Romaine lettuce, Turmeric and Black seed,” she joked.